What is fpviewer?
fpviewer is a small php script that can be used to view all filtered
mails of a user that Clearswifts Mailsweeper stores in his message
My intention was to give users the possibility to identify false
positives. Thus i added a registration and validation step. After
registration and activation, the user can review the headers (Sender,
Subject, ...) of mails that Mailsweeper holds in his Message Areas.
How does it look like?
What do i need?
You need Mimesweeper (4.3 but others may work too). You have to activate
reporting in Mimesweeper and therefore you need MSSQL Server (free
Desktop Engine MSDE works too), a webserver (apache preferred) with
a working php configured to be able to connect to a MSSQL server.
The MSSQL server and webserver don't have to be on the same machine as
the Mimesweeper. You could use 3 different machines.
Configuration and Installation
There is a file "INSTALL" included in the zip. Read it!
Florian Gleixner